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Hear v1.0.3 MacOSX Keymaker
2008-11-25 12:12:32 GMT

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(Problems with magnets links are fixed by upgrading your torrent client!)
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fi› €›                     Hear v1.0.3 *INCL.KEYMAKER*                     fi€ fi
˛ fi€                                                                       €› ˛
  €›                                                                       fi€
 fi€     Cracked by....:  symmetry          Release-Name..:  CR-HR103.ZIP    €›
 €€     Supplied......:  CORE              Release-Date..:  2008/11/24      €€
 €€›    Packaged......:  CORE              Release-Type..:  Util            €€
 €≤›    Protection....:  Serial            OS............:  MacOSX         fi≤€
 fi€€    Crack/SN......:  Keymaker          Language......:  English        €€›
 fi€€›   Rating........:  [You decide!]     Disks.........:  02             €€›
  fi€€                                                                     €€›
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     ‹≤fl‹ fl‹‹       €›      fl   ≤‹‹fl       fl‹‹≤   fl      fi€   ‹flfl  ‹‹‹   €
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    ‹‹flfl  ∞≤‹  fi›   fl≤€≤€€€€≤≤€                €≤≤€€€€€≤€≤fl   fl‹  fl  fl  ‹ fl‹
  ‹fl ‹  fl  fl  ‹fl        flflflflfl                    flflflflflflfl        flfl≤∞   €fl  fi€
 €›  fl€   ∞≤flfl                                                       ˛fl     ≤›
fi≤     fl˛                     ..: DESCRiPTiON :..                           ≤›
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Hear - Mac                                                            ≤€
€≤    your sound + music better                                             ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Hear greatly improves audio quality in movies and music               ≤€
€≤    throughout all of your Mac OS X applications. With Hear,              ≤€
€≤    music is richer, movie sound and dialog is clearer and games          ≤€
€≤    will blow you out of your chair!                                      ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Introducing Hear - your sound + music better                          ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    3D Sound                                                              ≤€
€≤    Like movies? like'em more with virtual cinema quality sound           ≤€
€≤    experience. Sound will approach you from all angles, even from        ≤€
€≤    behind. You are there with Hear.                                      ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Equalizer                                                             ≤€
€≤    Perfect your sound with Hear's studio quality N-band equalizer        ≤€
€≤    with built-in peak limiter. You've got control.                       ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Speaker Correction                                                    ≤€
€≤    Control speaker resonance to increase frequency range and             ≤€
€≤    enhance sound.                                                        ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Center Channel Control                                                ≤€
€≤    Control the volume and width of the sound coming from your            ≤€
€≤    own virtual center-stage for performance-grade audio effects.         ≤€
€≤    A concert in your house.                                              ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Virtual Subwoofer                                                     ≤€
€≤    No Sub? No problem. Let Hear use your existing speakers to            ≤€
€≤    boost your bass. Don't you need more thump in your life?              ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Ambience                                                              ≤€
€≤    Fine tune reverb to emulate any venue from phone booth to             ≤€
€≤    concert hall. Either way, it's music to your ears.                    ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Fidelity control                                                      ≤€
€≤    Music the way it was meant to be heard. Restore frequency,            ≤€
€≤    coloring and intensity lost during the recording process.             ≤€
€≤    Put more ìhiî in your ìfiî.                                           ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤    Much more                                                             ≤€
€≤    Hear can control the volume and quality of each application           ≤€
€≤    independently. You can control enable and disable each effect         ≤€
€≤    independently. You can apply the effects in any order for             ≤€
€≤    dramatic results. You can define and recall presets at any            ≤€
€≤    time. You can enjoy Hear's effects through your computer's            ≤€
€≤    speakers, headphones and external speakers. And you can do            ≤€
€≤    it all in an easy-to-understand user interface.                       ≤€
€≤    Hear more with Hear.                                                  ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
€≤                              ≤€
€≤                                                                          ≤€
fi≤›‹                                                                      ‹fi≤›
  fl∞fl                                                                    fl∞fl
˛fl                                                                          fl˛
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          fi›         fl ‹          ‹        ‹          ‹ fl         fi›
      ‹≤fl‹ fl‹‹           fl˛ ‹  ˛fl            fl˛  ‹ ˛fl           ‹‹fl ‹fl≤‹
     €   ‹‹‹  flfl‹                                            ‹flfl  ‹‹‹   €
     ‹‹flfl  ∞≤‹  fi›                                          fi›  ‹≤∞  flfl‹‹
  ‹fl ‹  fl  fl  ‹fl                                            fl‹  fl  fl  ‹ fl‹
  €›  fl€   ∞≤flfl         ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :..         flfl≤∞   €fl  fi€
 fi≤     fl˛                                                          ˛fl     ≤›
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤   Use our keymaker to register the application.                        ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤                         ..: iMPORTANT NOTE :..                         ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤     Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or      ≤€
 €≤     even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit!      ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤                                  else                                  ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 €≤                          Thanks for choosing                           ≤€
 €≤               (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering!                ≤€
 €≤                                                                        ≤€
 fi€≤                                                                      ≤€›
  fi€≤               ‹˛                                  ˛‹       ‹‹fl ‹fl≤‹≤€›
     fl‹ fl‹‹        €›      fl   ≤‹‹fl        fl‹‹≤   fl      fi€   ‹flfl  ‹‹‹    
       ‹‹‹  flfl‹   fi≤€‹‹±   ‹‹‹€€fl            fl€€‹‹‹   ±‹‹€≤› fi›  ‹≤∞  flfl‹‹
   ‹‹flfl  ∞≤‹  fi›   fl≤€≤€€€€≤≤€                 €≤≤€€€€€≤€≤fl   fl‹  fl  fl  ‹ fl‹
 ‹fl ‹  fl  fl  ‹fl        flflflflfl                     flflflflflflfl        flfl≤∞   €fl  fi€
€›  fl€   ∞≤flfl                                                        ˛fl     ≤›
    ‹‹ ‹                  ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :..                 ‹ ‹‹
  ‹€€€€ fl‹                                                          ‹fl €€€€‹
 fi€€≤€€› fi›                                                        fi› fi€€≤€€›
 €€≤€€€  €       - not available -                                  €  €€€≤€€
 fi≤€≤€› ‹fl                                                          fl‹ fi€≤€≤›
  €≤€€ fi›                                                            fi› €€≤€
  fi€≤›  fl‹‹                                                        ‹‹fl  fi≤€›
   €€›     fl‹                                                    ‹fl     fi€€
    fl€      fi›                                                  fi›      €fl
     ≤    ‹fl                                                      fl‹    ≤
        ‹€fl                                                         fl€‹
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  ‹€›                                                                     fi€‹
 ≤€›                                                                       €€≤
fi€€                                                                         fi€›
€€                                                                           €€
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 fl€€€€‹‹  ‹‹‹‹€fl                                                fl€‹‹‹‹  ‹‹€€€€
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  fi≤€ flflfl                                                              flflfl €≤›
   fi€›                                                                    fi€›
   fi€›                                                                    fi€›
    €≤                                                                    ≤€
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     €≤                                                                  ≤€
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      €≤                                                                ≤€
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      fi€›                                                             fi€›
     fi≤›                                                               fi≤›
     €€                 ‹  fl˛                    ˛fl  ‹                  €€
    fi≤›                ˛       fl                fl       ˛               fi≤›
     €€  ‹€flfl‹‹     ‹ fl         fl              fl         fl ‹     ‹‹flfl€‹  €€
    fi≤›‹flfl     fl€‹ fl≤fl                                    fl≤fl ‹€fl     flfl‹fi≤›
    €€            fl                                          fl            €€
   €€€                                                                    €€€
   ≤€€                                                                    €€≤
  fi€€›                                                                    fi€€›
  ≤€€                                                                      €€≤
  €€≤                                                                      ≤€€
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  €€€                                                                      €€€
   €€                                                                      €€
    fi›                                                                    fi›
     €           ‹‹‹                                        ‹‹‹           €
      €       ‹flfl   flfl‹   lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s]    ‹flfl   flfl‹       €
       fl‹     fl‹       €  nfO UPdATED ON [2008/01/08]   €       ‹fl     ‹fl
         flfl‹‹‹     ‹‹‹fl  ‹    (c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 0 8    ‹  fl‹‹‹     ‹‹‹flfl
              flflflflfl                                          flflflflfl

File list not available.


yes, f%#kin rocks.....
You should extract the given files and then you'll find a *.dmg file for the app and another for the keygen.
The CORE10k.exe is crap, just ignore it.
no .dmg here is this a pc file?
koolie75 just read my previous post.
Maybe you're not using a proper extractor.
If you extract the zip files with StuffIt, you'll get keygen.001 and keygen.002.
keygen.001 to keygen.rar
keygen.002 to keygen.r00
Then extract keygen.rar with StuffIt again.
Now you should have Hear_1.0.3_US.dmg and keygen.dmg.
just get the demo and then the serial....done, key gen waste of time
all these keymaker.only-cores look highly suspicious. the .nfo includes the lines:

Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit! (yeah right)

this should be a serial for mac, verifying with an .exe file is already something really weird.

the other files in the .zip are:

doesnt look alot like macstuff to me.

and all those cracks here files have the same core_keygen.dmg

??? all named the same ??? if they are all different keygens for differen programs, were a cracker put a lot of effort in to write one for one particular program, wouldnt they be named after the program they crack, so you would know for which program they are???

as well, there are exploits on mac if you run a program with admin privileges. so be warned. i, for one, will not try these keygens.

as well, most of these applications have serials in the serial box or in kcnscrew, so why would one need a keygen if the serials are static (i.e. not dependent on the architecture or software that u are running)?
ceenic, you're free to do whatever you want.
Sorry if you're not used to scene releases. If you were, you'd know that CORE10k.exe stuff is common in all CORE releases. They just use the same tool for packaging all releases (windows, linux or mac). So please do not waste your words next time, just to say bullshit.

Sorry if you can't read my previous comment "IGNORE CORE10k.exe file".
Sorry if you're dumb enough for not being able to use a keygen.
If you're not happy with it, just delete the files from your HD.

If you extract the zip files with StuffIt, you'll get keygen.001 and keygen.002.
You should rename them:
keygen.001 to keygen.rar
keygen.002 to keygen.r00
Then extract keygen.rar with StuffIt again.
Now you should have Hear_1.0.3_US.dmg and keygen.dmg.
I guess you'll know what's next.
Thanks! And if anyone is confused:


"extract the zip files with StuffIt"

THEN this to BOTH first:

"You should rename them:
keygen.001 to keygen.rar
keygen.002 to keygen.r00"

"Then extract keygen.rar with StuffIt again."

if you try to open keygen.rar with StuffIt first, it will keep asking for "keygen.r00" . . . and you will be annoyed . . . for a few seconds. :D
im stuck at where you are supposed to extract the .rar and the .00 ... It tells me to find another segment of .00 and i keep on pushing the keymaker.00 but another window tells me the same.
pushing = clicking... sorry
Yep, not working. Keeps asking for r00 even if I rename as suggested. Very incompetent release.
Downloaded and unzipped on my PC.
Renamed .001 and .002 to .rar and .r00 and unrared.

Got hear_1.0.3_US.dmg and keygen.dmg

Not yet tried on the Mac ...

So the release definitely seems fine so far, contrary to what Gigantoad wrote above ...
I like to have this little wonder.
Are there any seeders left?
Appreciate! Thanxs!
can some1 generate a key for me please, gracias